

ExamKrackers MCAT General Biology

제목: ExamKrackers MCAT General Biology Book

MCAT 공부용으로 아주 유명한 책입니다.
"The Examkrackers MCAT books are the best MCAT prep materials I've seen-and I looked at many before deciding..." -- Med student at USCF who used this book for her MCAT --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Product Description
This book reviews all the biology tested by the MCAT. It includes nine 30 minute exams in the MCAT format, and 135 additional stand alone questions. All 342 questions are in MCAT form and fully annotated. The book is illustrated in black and white, and in color. This book is expensive because it is the best MCAT biology review available. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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